a lot of things but nothing in particular

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Location: port townsend, Washington, United States

Thursday, December 31, 2015

I came, I sailed, I grounded

There's a saying about sailors: there are those who have grounded, those who will, and those who won't leave the dock [sic]. This photo is my bit of humility - a result of utter carelessness. Thankfully, it's been almost 10 yrs since doing anything like that, though I admit I've come close. I remember a gale and a lee shore and no engine the winter before last. I nearly took out the warf at penn cove (and a restaurant and a museum) before I could get the anchor aboard and the sails up. Lessons learned about setting a sentinel/kellet, but that's another story. 

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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

a man's best friend

I don't like dogs.  I never have.  They smell.  They slobber.  And there's nothing so perpetually needy as a dog.  They can't even take a shit without help.  Chloe was different.

It never bugged me when Chloe came aboard by boat and left her hair behind.  She was the sweetest and most docile dog I've ever known, which speaks more than anything to her owner, who cared for her with more attention than most people pay to their babies.
Chloe was always happy to see me, whether I wanted to be seen or not.  Chloe was always up for anything.  She never asked why, or how long.  You can pay a lot of money for therapists and psychiatric medications, but Chloe was more than prozac, zoloft, and adirol combined.  She was a true friend.
So sorry for your loss, Alan.

 Chloe helping Alan and my wife and I sail out of the harbor.

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